
I am Jeet Soni, a curious individual who loves learning different things
My interest lies in the field of Data Engineering, Machine Learning and Big Data.


Expense Tracker Web App

A web app that stores, filters, and displays the daily expense of a user and forecasts the expenses for the next 7 days using an interactive dashboard. Built using Flask, Plotly Dash, and MongoEngine.

PCA and Portfolios

Used PCA for creation of multiple uncorrelated portfolios composed of Mutual Funds with the intent of reducing the risk associated with the portfolios while benefitting from multiple returns from the portfolios.

Churn Prediction App

Employed extensive data cleaning, visualization, and analysis techniques to generate insights about the churn from a bank and display them on an interactive dashboard, along with a web app that predicts the churn for the near future. Created using Python, Plotly Dash and deployed using Streamlit and Heroku.

Judge a Book by its cover

A Deep Learning Model to predict whether a book is a good, average, or bad read based on the book covers. Trained on an extensive dataset of 20K book covers using CNN and TensorFlow.

Papers and Presentations

Principal Component Analysis for creation of Portfolios composed of Mutual Funds.

This paper was presented in National Level Research Conference 'E-Shodh' held at Jai Hind College, Mumbai. In the paper we analyse and aim to provide a way to benefit from the performance of the multiple portfolios generated by implementation of PCA to the NAV of Mutual Funds...


Representing Data as Tensors

Development of Machine Learning models involves training them on large datasets for obtaining better results. Most of the Neural Networks require their input data, which come from such large datasets, to be in the form of Tensors...

One Hot Encoding of Text data in Natural Language Processing

One of the most interesting applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning can be found in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Many tasks in NLP involve working with texts and sentences which are understood as sequence of texts...

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